PDFs are for personal use only.
76. Rosso, A.A., B. Casement, A.K. Chung, J. D. Curlis, E. Folfas, M. A. Gallegos, L. K. Neel, D. J. Nicholson, C. E. Williams, W. O. McMillan, M. L. Logan, and C. L. Cox (2024). Plasticity of gene expression and thermal tolerance: implications for climate change vulnerability in a tropical forest lizard. Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology 97: 81-96. Featured on the journal cover.
75. Tevs, D. R., J. A. Mukhalian, E. Simpson, C.L. Cox, A. W. Schrey, and L. D. McBrayer (2024). DNA methylation and counter-directional pigmentation change following immune challenge in a small ectotherm. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 96: 418-429.
74. Pirani, R. M., C. F. Arias, A. K. Chung, J. D. Curlis, D. J, Nicholson, M. Vargas, C. L. Cox, W. O. McMillan, and M. L. Logan (2024). A high-quality genome for the slender anole (Anolis apletophallus), an emerging model for field studies of tropical ecology and evolution. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics 14: jkad248.
73. Alujević, K., L. Bakewell, I. Clifton, C. L. Cox, L. O. Frishkoff, E. J. Gangloff, G. Garcia-Costoya, M. E. Gifford, M. Glenwinkel, S. Gulati, A. Head, M. Miles, C. Pettit, C. M. Watson, K. L. Wuthrich, and M. L. Logan (2024). 3D printed models are an accurate, cost-effective, and reproducible tool for quantifying terrestrial thermal environments. Journal of Thermal Biology 119:103762.
72. Robinson, C. D., M. D. Hale, T. N. Wittman, C. L. Cox, H. B. John-Alder, and R. M. Cox. (2023). Species differences in hormonally mediated gene expression underlie the evolutionary loss of sexually dimorphic coloration in Sceloporus lizards. Journal of Heredity114:637-653.
71. Nicholson, D. J., R. J. Knell, E. Folfas, L. K. Neel, Z. Degon, M. Dubois, X. Ortiz-Ross, A. K. Chung, J. D. Curlis, T. J. Thurman, W. O. McMillan, T. W. J. Garner, C. L. Cox, and M. L. Logan (2023). Island colonization leads to rapid behavioural and morphological divergence in Anolis lizards. Evolutionary Ecology 37:779-795.
70. Clifton, I. T., N. D. Gripshover, A. G. Amador, W. Aquino, J. Fernandez, M. Mathieu, A. Menendez, C. Quintana, G. Suarez, and C. L. Cox (2023). Bite or flight? Behavioral interactions between bark anoles and brown anoles in their nonnative range. Journal of Zoology 321:40-49.
69. Gripshover, N. D., P. Hennessey, L. D. McBrayer, J. M. Meik, C. M. Watson, and C. L. Cox (2023). When food fights back: skull morphology and feeding behavior of centipede-eating snakes. Integrative and Comparative Biology 63:34-47.
68. Cox, C.L. and A.R. Davis Rabosky (2023). The integrative biology of snake coloration. Chapter 5, pp. 179-217 in D. Penning (ed), Snakes: Morphology, Function, and Ecology. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppage NY, USA.
67. Cox, C. L., A. K. Chung, M. E. Davoll, S. A. DeHart, S. T. Gerardi, T. K. Ly, K. Moxley, P. T. Nipper, D. R. Novak, P. F. Reeves, B. J. Williams, and M. L. Logan (2023). A diminutive snake species can maintain regional heterothermy in both homogeneous and heterogeneous thermal environments. Journal of Experimental Biology 226: jeb245380
66. Williams, C. E., J. G. Kueneman, D. J. Nicholson, A. A. Rosso, E. Folfas, B. Casement, M. A. Gallegos-Koyner, L. K. Neel, J. D. Curlis, W. O. McMillan, C. L. Cox, and M. L. Logan. Sustained drought, but not short-term warming, alters the gut microbiomes of wild Anolis lizards (2022). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88: e00530-22.
65. Nicholson, D. J., R. J. Knell, R. S. McCrea, L. K. Neel, J. D. Curlis, C. E. Williams, A. K. Chung, W. O. McMillan, T. W. J. Garner, C. L. Cox, and M. L. Logan (2022). Climate anomalies and competition reduce establishment success during island colonization. Ecology and Evolution 12: e9402
64. Cox, C. L., M. L. Logan, D. J. Nicholson, A. K. Chung, A. A. Rosso, W. O. McMillan, and R. M. Cox (2022). Species-specific expression of growth-regulatory genes in two anoles with divergent patterns of sexual size dimorphism. Integrative Organismal Biology 4:1-13 (obac025)
63. Cox, R. M., M. D. Hale, T. N. Wittman, C. D. Robinson, and C. L. Cox (2022). Evolution of hormone-phenotype couplings and hormone-genome interactions. Hormones and Behavior 144:105216
62. Hale, M.D., C. D. Robinson, C. L. Cox, and R. M. Cox (2022). Ontogenetic change in male expression of testosterone-responsive genes contributes to the emergence of sex-biased gene expression in Anolis sagrei. Frontiers in Physiology 13:886973.
61. Thomas, K. N., D. J. Gower, J. W. Streicher, R. C. Bell, M. K. Fujita, R. K. Schott, H. C. Liedtke, C. F. B. Haddad, C. G. Becker, C. L. Cox, R. A. Martins, R. H. Douglas (2022). Ecology drives patterns of spectral transmission in the ocular lenses of frogs and salamanders. Functional Ecology 36: 850-864.
60. Wilson, L., G. Lonsdale, J. D. Curlis, E. A. Hunter, and C. L. Cox (2022). Predator-based selection and the impact of edge sympatry on components of coral snake mimicry. Evolutionary Ecology 36:135-149.
59. Reyes-Velasco, J. R., C. L. Cox, J. M. Jones, M. Borja, and J. A. Campbell (2022). How many species of rattlesnakes are there in the Crotalus durissus species group (Serpentes: Crotalidae)? Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetologia 4:43-55.
58. Westfall, A.K., R.S. Telemeco, M. B. Grizante, D. S. Waits, A. D. Clark, D. Y Simpson, R. L. Klabacka, A. P. Sullivan, G. H. Perry, M. W. Sears, C. L. Cox, R. M. Cox, M. E. Gifford, H. B. John-Alder, T. Langkilde, M. J. Angiletta, A. D. Leache, M. Tollis, K. Kusumi, and T. S. Schwartz (2021). A chromosome-level genome assembly for the eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus), a reptile model for physiological and evolutionary ecology. Gigascience 10:1-17.
57. Watson, C. M. and C. L. Cox (2021). Elevation, oxygen, and the origins of viviparity. Journal of Experimental Zoology B 336:457-469.
56. Neel†, L. K., M. L. Logan†, D. J. Nicholson, C. Miller, A. K. Chung, I. Mayaan, Z. Degon, M. Dubois, J. D. Curlis, Q. Taylor, K. M. Keegan, W. O McMillan, J. B. Losos, and C. L. Cox (2021). Habitat structure mediates vulnerability to climate change throught its effects on thermoregulatory behavior. Biotropica 53: 1121-1133.
55. Curlis, J. D., C. L. Cox, and R. M. Cox (2021). Sex-specific population differences in resting metabolic rate are associated with intraspecific variation in sexual size dimorphism of brown anoles. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 94: 205-214.
54. Curlis, J. D., A. R. Davis Rabosky, I. A. Holmes, T. J. Renney, and C. L. Cox (2021). Genetic mechanisms and correlational selection structure trait variation in a coral snake mimic. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288:20210003.
53. Cox, C. L., A. K. Chung, C. Blackwell, M. M. Davis, M. Gulsby, H. Islam, N. Miller, C. Lambert, O. Lewis, I. V. Rector, M. Walsh, A. D. Yamamoto, and A. R. Davis Rabosky (2021). Tactile stimuli induce deimatic antipredator displays in ringneck snakes. Ethology 127: 465-474.
52. Cox, C.L., J. Bowers, C. Obialo, J. D. Curlis, and J. W. Streicher (2021). Spatial and temporal dynamics of exuberant color polymorphism in the southern cricket frog. Journal of Natural History 54: 2249-2264.
51. Cox, C. L. and M. L. Logan (2021). Using integrative biology to infer adaptation from comparisons of two (or a few) species. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 94: 162-170.
50. Logan†, M. L., L. K. Neel†, D. J. Nicholson, A. J. Stokes, C. L. Miller, A. K. Chung, J. D. Curlis, K. M. Keegan, A. A. Rosso, I. Maayan, E. Folfas, C. E. Williams, B. Casement, M. A. Gallegos Koyner, D. J. Padilla Perez, C. H. Falvey, S. M. Alexander, K. L. Charles, Z. A. Graham, W. Owen McMillan, J. B. Losos, and C. L. Cox (2021). Sex-specific microhabitat use is associated with sex-biased thermal physiology in Anolis lizards. Journal of Experimental Biology 224:jeb235697
49. Rosso, A. A., D. J. Nicholson, M. L. Logan, A. K. Chung, J. D. Curlis, Z. M. Degon, R. Knell, T. W. J. Garner, W. O. McMillan, and C. L. Cox (2020). Sex-biased parasitism and expression of a sexual signal. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 131:785-800.
48. Cox, C. L., H. O. Tribble, S. Richardson, A. K. Chung, J. D. Curlis, and M. L. Logan. Thermal physiology and ecology of an elongate and semi-fossorial arthropod, the bark centipede. Journal of Thermal Biology 94:102755.
47. Logan, M.L. and C.L. Cox (2020). Genetic Constraints, Transcriptome Plasticity, and the Evolutionary Response to Climate Change. Frontiers in Genetics 11:538226
46. Cox, C.L., A.R. Davis Raboskey, and D.R. Frost. 2020. Sonora semiannulata. Western Groundsnake. Pp. 354–363 in A.T. Holycross and J.C. Mitchell (eds.), Snakes of Arizona. ECO Publishing, Rodeo, NM.
45. Cox, C. L., S. Alexander, B. Casement, A. K. Chung, J. D. Curlis, Z. Degon, M. Dubois, C. Falvey, Z. Graham, E. Folfas, M. A. Gallegos Koyner, L. K. Neel, D. J. Nicholson, D. J. Padilla Peréz, X. Ortiz Ross, A. A. Rosso, Q. Taylor, T. J. Thurman, C. E. Williams, W. O. McMillan, and M. L. Logan (2020). Ectoparasite extinction in simplified lizard assemblages during experimental island invasion. Biology Letters 16: 20200474.
44. Heninger, R, C. M. Watson, C. L. Cox (2020). Relative fitness of decoy coloration is mediated by habitat type. Zoology 142: 125820.
43. Sasso, T., C. L. Cox, D. L. Gilroy (2020). Social behavior in Nototriton brodiei in the cloud forest of Cusuco National Park, Honduras. South American Journal of Herpetology 17: 29-32.
42. C. L. Cox and M. C. Morrill* (2020). The herpetofaunal assemblage and natural history of a wetland and prairie complex of the northern Great Plains. Southwestern Naturalist 64:89-97.
41. Huntsman, B. M., M. P. Venarsky, F. Abadi, A. D. Huryn, B. R. Kuhajda, C. L. Cox, and J. P. Benstead (2020). Evolutionary history and sex are significant drivers of crayfish demography in resource-limited cave ecosystems. Evolutionary Ecology 34:235-255.
40. L. K. Neel, J.D. Curlis, C. T Kinsey, C. L Cox, and L. D McBrayer (2020). Acclimatization in the physiological performance of an introduced ectotherm. Journal of Experimental Biology 223:1-8.
39. Myers, E.A. , A. Xue, M. Gehara, C. L. Cox, A. R. Davis Rabosky, J. Lemos Espinal, J. Martínez-Gómez, and F. T. Burbrink (2019). Environmental Heterogeneity and Not Vicariant Biogeographic Barriers Generate Community Wide Population Structure in Desert Adapted Snakes. Molecular Ecology 28:45435-4548.
38. C. M. Watson, Z. Degon*, W. Krogman, and C. L. Cox (2019). Evolutionary and ecological forces underlying ontogenetic loss of decoy coloration. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 128: 138-148.
37. Taylor, Q. and C. L. Cox (2019). Evidence of predation risk increases with body size in a diminutive snake. Journal of Zoology 307:141-148.
36. Cox, C. L. J. W. Streicher, J. F. Stringer, M. A. Moseley, and P. T. Chippindale. (2018) Testing the geographic dimensions of genetic diversity following range expansion in a North American snake. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 125:586-599.
35. Cox, C. L. A, R. Davis Rabosky, I. A. Holmes, J. Reyes-Velasco, C. E. Roelke, E. N. Smith, O. Flores-Villela, J. A. McGuire, and J. A. Campbell (2018). Synopsis and taxonomic revision of three genera in the snake tribe Sonorini. Journal of Natural History 52:945-988.
34. Cox †, C. L. , M. L. Logan †, O. Bryan, D. Kaur, E. Leung, J. McCormack, J. McGinn, L. Miller, C.Robinson, J.Salem, J. Scheid, T. Warzinski, and A. K. Chung (2018). Do ring-necked snakes choose retreat sites to optimize thermal performance? Journal of Thermal Biology 71:232-236.
33. Curlis, J. D., R. W. Davis, E. Zetkulic, and C. L. Cox (2017). Condition-dependence of shared traits differs between sympatric Anolis lizards. Journal of Experimental Zoology A 327:110-118.
32. Cox, R.M.†, Cox, C.L.†, McGlothlin, J.W., Card, D.C., Andrew, A.L., Castoe, J.M. (2017). Hormonally mediated increases in sex-biased gene expression accompany the breakdown of between-sex genetic correlations in a sexually dimorphic lizard. The American Naturalist 189, 315-332.
31. Kahrl, A. F., C. L. Cox, and R. M. Cox (2016). Correlated evolution between targets between pre- and postcopulatory sexual selection across squamate reptiles. Ecology and Evolution 6: 6452-6459.
30. Curlis, J. D.*, D. C. Macklem, R. Davis, and C. L. Cox. (2016). Sex-specific antipredator response to auditory cues in the black spiny-tailed iguana. Journal of Zoology 299:68-74
29. Davis Rabosky, A. R., C. L. Cox, D. L. Rabosky, P. Title, I. A. Holmes, A. Feldman, and J. A. McGuire. (2016). Coral snakes predict the evolution of mimicry across New World snakes.Nature Communications 7: 11484
28. Davis Rabosky, A. R., C. L. Cox, and D. L. Rabosky (2016). Unlinked Mendelian inheritance of red and black pigmentation in snakes: implications for Batesian mimicry. Evolution 70: 944-953.
27. Reedy, A. M., C. L. Cox, A. K. Chung*, W. J. Evans*, and R. M. Cox (2016). Both sexes suffer increased parasitism and reduced energy storage as costs of reproduction in the brown anole, Anolis sagrei. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 117: 516-527. pdf
26. Cox, C. L., R. T. Peaden*, and R. M. Cox (2015). The metabolic cost of mounting an immune response in male brown anoles (Anolis sagrei). Journal of Experimental Zoology 323: 689-695. pdf Cover Image
25. Moseley, M. A.†, C.L. Cox†, J. W. Streicher†, C. E. Roelke, and P. T. Chippindale (2015). Phylogeography and lineage-specific patterns of genetic diversity and molecular evolution in a group of North American skinks. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 116: 819-833 pdf
24. Cox, C. L. and R. M. Cox (2015). Evolutionary shifts in habitat aridity predict evaporative water loss across squamate reptiles. Evolution 69: 2507-2516. pdf
23. Cox C. L., A. F. Hanninen, A. M. Reedy, R. M. Cox (2015). Females retain responsiveness to testosterone despite the evolution of androgen-mediated sexual dimorphism. Functional Ecology 29:758-767. pdf
22. Campbell, J. A., J. W. Streicher, C. L. Cox, and E. D. Brodie Jr. A new salamander of the genus Chiropterotriton (Caudata, Plethodontidae) from the Sierra Madre Oriental in Tamaulipa, Mexico (2014). South American Journal of Herpetology 9: 228-234.
21. Cox, C. L. and P. T. Chippindale (2014). Patterns of genetic diversity in the polymorphic ground snake (Sonora semiannulata). Genetica 142:361-370 pdf
20. Streicher, J. W., J. Reyes-Velasco, C. L. Cox, J. A. Campbell, and O. Flores-Villela (2014). Additional distributional records of a recently described Mexican toad species, Incilius mccoyi (Anura: Bufonidae). Herpetology Notes 7: 207-210. pdf
19. Miller, A.L., R. A. Makowsky, D. R. Formanowicz, L. Prendini, and C. L. Cox (2014). Cryptic genetic diversity and complex phylogeography of the northern scorpion, Paruroctonus boreus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 71: 298-307 pdf
18. Cox, C.L.† and A.R. D. Rabosky†(2013). Spatial and temporal drivers of phenotypic diversity in polymorphic snakes. The American Naturalist 182: E40-E57. pdf
17. Cox, C.L., A. R. D. Rabosky, P. T. Chippindale (2013). Sequence variation in the Mc1R gene for a group of polymorphic snakes. Gene 513: 282-286. pdf
16. Makowsky, R., C.L. Cox, C. Roelke, and P.T. Chippindale (2013). The relative utility of sequence divergence and phylogenetic informativeness profiling in phylogenetic study design. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66:437. pdf
15. Castoe, T. A., E. L. Braun, A. M. Bronikowski, J. M. Castoe, C. L. Cox, A. R. Davis, A.P. J. de Koning, J. Dobry, M. K. Fujita, M. Giorgianni, A. Hargreaves, C. Henkel, S. P. Mackessy, D. O’Meally, D. R. Rokyta, S. M. Secor, J. W. Streicher, K. P. Wray, K. D. Yokoyama, and D. D. Pollock (2012). Report from the first Snake Genomics and Integrative Biology Meeting. Standards in Genomic Sciences 7:1 pdf
14. Watson, C.M., C.E. Roelke, P.N. Pasichnyk* and C.L. Cox (2012). The adaptive significance of the autotomous blue tail in lizards: An empirical test of predator response using clay models. Zoology 115: 339-344. pdf
13. Cox C.L., A. R. Davis, J. Reyes-Velasco, P. Ponce-Campos, E.N. Smith, O. Flores-Vilella, and J.A. Campbell (2012). Molecular systematics of the genus Sonora (Squamata: Colubridae) in central and western Mexico. Systematics and Biodiversity 10:93-108. Runner-up for the 2012 Taylor and Francis Outstanding Paper Prize. pdf
12. Streicher, J.W., C.L. Cox, J. A. Campbell, E. N. Smith, R. O. de Sá (2012). Rapid range expansion in the Great Plains narrow-mouthed toad (Gastrophryne olivacea) and a revised taxonomy for North American microhylids. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 64:645-653. pdf
11. Cox, C.L., J.W. Streicher, C.M. Sheehy, J. A. Campbell, and P. T. Chippindale (2012). Patterns of genetic differentiation among populations of Smilisca fodiens. Herpetologica 68:226-235.
10. Streicher, J.W., Cox, C.L. and G.F. Birchard. Nonlinear scaling of oxygen consumption and heart rate in a very large cockroach species (Gromphadorhina portentosa): correlated changes with body size and temperature (2012). Journal of Experimental Biology 215:1137-1143. pdf
9. Cox, C.L., M.A. Moseley, P.N. Pasichnyk, R.U. Tovar*, U. Smart and T. Angarita-Sierra. New county records for reptiles and amphibians from south and southeast Texas (2012). Herpetological Review 43:41-44.
8. Cox, C.L., S.M. Boback, and C.R. Guyer (2011). Spatial dynamics of body size frequency distributions for North American squamates. Evolutionary Biology 38: 453-464. pdf
7. Makowsky, R., C.L. Cox, C. Roelke, and P.T. Chippindale (2010). Analyzing the relationship between sequence divergence and nodal support using Bayesian phylogenetic analyses. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57:485-494. pdf
6. Cox, C.L. and S.M. Secor (2010). Integrated postprandial responses of the diamondback water snake, Nerodia rhombifer. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83:618-631. pdf
5. Cox, C.L., E.S. Farrar, J.J. Hey, and M.M. Morrill (2009). Cover object usage among an assemblage of Iowa snakes. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 4:80-84. pdf
4. Cox, C. L., and S.M. Secor. (2008). Matched regulation of gastrointestinal performance for the Burmese python, Python molurus. Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 1131-1140. pdf
3. Cox, C.L and S.M. Secor (2007). Effects of meal size, clutch, and metabolism on the energy efficiencies of juvenile Burmese pythons, Python molurus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 148A: 861-868. pdf
2. Boback, S. M., C.L. Cox, B.D. Ott, R. Carmody, R.W. Wrangham, and S.M. Secor (2007). Cooking and grinding reduces the cost of meat digestion. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 148A: 651-656. pdf
1. Secor S.M., J.A. Wooten, and C.L.Cox. (2007). Effects of meal size, meal type, and body temperature on the specific dynamic action of anurans. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 177: 165-182. pdf
†Authors contributed equally to this work *Student author
Notes and Other Publications
15. Jantzi, A., C. L. Cox, A. R. Davis Rabosky, and A. T. Holycross (2022).Western Groundsnake (Sonora semiannulata) Combat. Herpetological Review 52:434.
14. Cox, C. R. and C. L. Cox (2019). Distribution note for Virginia valeriae. Herpetological Review 50:532.
13. Neel, L. K., L. A. Durden, C. L. Cox, A. M. Reedy, and R. M. Cox (2017). Anolis sagrei (Brown Anole) and Leiocephalus carinatus (Northern Curlytail Lizard) Ectoparasites. Herpetological Review 48:842.
12. Cox, C. L. and C. E. Roelke (2014). Distribution note for Lampropeltis triangulum. Herpetological Review 45:344.
11. Reedy, A. M., C. L. Cox, R. M. Cox, and R. Calsbeek (2013). Anolis sagrei. Sexual cannibalism. Herpetological Review 44:661-662.
10. Sheehy, C.M., J. W. Streicher, C.L. Cox, R. U Tovar, and J. Reyes-Velasco (2012). Dipsas gaigeae. Reproduction. Herpetological Review 43: 342.
9. Sheehy, C.M. III, J.W. Streicher, C.L. Cox, and J. Reyes-Velasco (2011). Tropidodipsas phillipii. Arboreality. Herpetological Review 42: 446–447.
8. Streicher, J.W., C.L. Cox, C.M. Sheehy III, M.J. Ingrasci, and R.U. Tovar (2011). Pseudoleptodeira uribei. Reproduction. Herpetological Review 42: 101.
7. Cox C.L., M.A. Moseley, and J.W. Streicher (2011). Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Student Study Guide and Class Notes. Beta Phi Biological Honor Society Press, Arlington, TX, USA.
6. Streicher J.W., C.M. Sheehy, C.L. Cox, J. Reyes Velasco and G. N. Weatherman (2010). Smilisca baudinia and Pachymedusa dacnicolor:Reproduction. Herpetological Review 41:208
5. Roelke, CR and CL Cox (2009). Distribution note for Sistrurus miliarius. Herpetological Review 40:116.
4. Cox, CL, CR Roelke, and B. Pope (2008). Distribution note for Salvadora grahamiae lineata. Herpetological Review 39:373.
3. Bailey, M., C.L. Cox, L. Stevenson, S. Wright. (2007) Blood: structure and function. In: Biology: The Study of Life, (J. Rasco and K. Lackey, eds.) Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, IA, USA.
2. Cox C.L., E.S. Farrar, and J. Hey. 2005. Distribution Note for Opheodrys vernalis. Herpetological Review. 36:339.
1. Cox C.L., E.S. Farrar, and J. Hey. 2005. Distribution Note for Regina grahamii. Herpetological Review 36: 340.
76. Rosso, A.A., B. Casement, A.K. Chung, J. D. Curlis, E. Folfas, M. A. Gallegos, L. K. Neel, D. J. Nicholson, C. E. Williams, W. O. McMillan, M. L. Logan, and C. L. Cox (2024). Plasticity of gene expression and thermal tolerance: implications for climate change vulnerability in a tropical forest lizard. Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology 97: 81-96. Featured on the journal cover.
75. Tevs, D. R., J. A. Mukhalian, E. Simpson, C.L. Cox, A. W. Schrey, and L. D. McBrayer (2024). DNA methylation and counter-directional pigmentation change following immune challenge in a small ectotherm. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 96: 418-429.
74. Pirani, R. M., C. F. Arias, A. K. Chung, J. D. Curlis, D. J, Nicholson, M. Vargas, C. L. Cox, W. O. McMillan, and M. L. Logan (2024). A high-quality genome for the slender anole (Anolis apletophallus), an emerging model for field studies of tropical ecology and evolution. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics 14: jkad248.
73. Alujević, K., L. Bakewell, I. Clifton, C. L. Cox, L. O. Frishkoff, E. J. Gangloff, G. Garcia-Costoya, M. E. Gifford, M. Glenwinkel, S. Gulati, A. Head, M. Miles, C. Pettit, C. M. Watson, K. L. Wuthrich, and M. L. Logan (2024). 3D printed models are an accurate, cost-effective, and reproducible tool for quantifying terrestrial thermal environments. Journal of Thermal Biology 119:103762.
72. Robinson, C. D., M. D. Hale, T. N. Wittman, C. L. Cox, H. B. John-Alder, and R. M. Cox. (2023). Species differences in hormonally mediated gene expression underlie the evolutionary loss of sexually dimorphic coloration in Sceloporus lizards. Journal of Heredity114:637-653.
71. Nicholson, D. J., R. J. Knell, E. Folfas, L. K. Neel, Z. Degon, M. Dubois, X. Ortiz-Ross, A. K. Chung, J. D. Curlis, T. J. Thurman, W. O. McMillan, T. W. J. Garner, C. L. Cox, and M. L. Logan (2023). Island colonization leads to rapid behavioural and morphological divergence in Anolis lizards. Evolutionary Ecology 37:779-795.
70. Clifton, I. T., N. D. Gripshover, A. G. Amador, W. Aquino, J. Fernandez, M. Mathieu, A. Menendez, C. Quintana, G. Suarez, and C. L. Cox (2023). Bite or flight? Behavioral interactions between bark anoles and brown anoles in their nonnative range. Journal of Zoology 321:40-49.
69. Gripshover, N. D., P. Hennessey, L. D. McBrayer, J. M. Meik, C. M. Watson, and C. L. Cox (2023). When food fights back: skull morphology and feeding behavior of centipede-eating snakes. Integrative and Comparative Biology 63:34-47.
68. Cox, C.L. and A.R. Davis Rabosky (2023). The integrative biology of snake coloration. Chapter 5, pp. 179-217 in D. Penning (ed), Snakes: Morphology, Function, and Ecology. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppage NY, USA.
67. Cox, C. L., A. K. Chung, M. E. Davoll, S. A. DeHart, S. T. Gerardi, T. K. Ly, K. Moxley, P. T. Nipper, D. R. Novak, P. F. Reeves, B. J. Williams, and M. L. Logan (2023). A diminutive snake species can maintain regional heterothermy in both homogeneous and heterogeneous thermal environments. Journal of Experimental Biology 226: jeb245380
66. Williams, C. E., J. G. Kueneman, D. J. Nicholson, A. A. Rosso, E. Folfas, B. Casement, M. A. Gallegos-Koyner, L. K. Neel, J. D. Curlis, W. O. McMillan, C. L. Cox, and M. L. Logan. Sustained drought, but not short-term warming, alters the gut microbiomes of wild Anolis lizards (2022). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88: e00530-22.
65. Nicholson, D. J., R. J. Knell, R. S. McCrea, L. K. Neel, J. D. Curlis, C. E. Williams, A. K. Chung, W. O. McMillan, T. W. J. Garner, C. L. Cox, and M. L. Logan (2022). Climate anomalies and competition reduce establishment success during island colonization. Ecology and Evolution 12: e9402
64. Cox, C. L., M. L. Logan, D. J. Nicholson, A. K. Chung, A. A. Rosso, W. O. McMillan, and R. M. Cox (2022). Species-specific expression of growth-regulatory genes in two anoles with divergent patterns of sexual size dimorphism. Integrative Organismal Biology 4:1-13 (obac025)
63. Cox, R. M., M. D. Hale, T. N. Wittman, C. D. Robinson, and C. L. Cox (2022). Evolution of hormone-phenotype couplings and hormone-genome interactions. Hormones and Behavior 144:105216
62. Hale, M.D., C. D. Robinson, C. L. Cox, and R. M. Cox (2022). Ontogenetic change in male expression of testosterone-responsive genes contributes to the emergence of sex-biased gene expression in Anolis sagrei. Frontiers in Physiology 13:886973.
61. Thomas, K. N., D. J. Gower, J. W. Streicher, R. C. Bell, M. K. Fujita, R. K. Schott, H. C. Liedtke, C. F. B. Haddad, C. G. Becker, C. L. Cox, R. A. Martins, R. H. Douglas (2022). Ecology drives patterns of spectral transmission in the ocular lenses of frogs and salamanders. Functional Ecology 36: 850-864.
60. Wilson, L., G. Lonsdale, J. D. Curlis, E. A. Hunter, and C. L. Cox (2022). Predator-based selection and the impact of edge sympatry on components of coral snake mimicry. Evolutionary Ecology 36:135-149.
59. Reyes-Velasco, J. R., C. L. Cox, J. M. Jones, M. Borja, and J. A. Campbell (2022). How many species of rattlesnakes are there in the Crotalus durissus species group (Serpentes: Crotalidae)? Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetologia 4:43-55.
58. Westfall, A.K., R.S. Telemeco, M. B. Grizante, D. S. Waits, A. D. Clark, D. Y Simpson, R. L. Klabacka, A. P. Sullivan, G. H. Perry, M. W. Sears, C. L. Cox, R. M. Cox, M. E. Gifford, H. B. John-Alder, T. Langkilde, M. J. Angiletta, A. D. Leache, M. Tollis, K. Kusumi, and T. S. Schwartz (2021). A chromosome-level genome assembly for the eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus), a reptile model for physiological and evolutionary ecology. Gigascience 10:1-17.
57. Watson, C. M. and C. L. Cox (2021). Elevation, oxygen, and the origins of viviparity. Journal of Experimental Zoology B 336:457-469.
56. Neel†, L. K., M. L. Logan†, D. J. Nicholson, C. Miller, A. K. Chung, I. Mayaan, Z. Degon, M. Dubois, J. D. Curlis, Q. Taylor, K. M. Keegan, W. O McMillan, J. B. Losos, and C. L. Cox (2021). Habitat structure mediates vulnerability to climate change throught its effects on thermoregulatory behavior. Biotropica 53: 1121-1133.
55. Curlis, J. D., C. L. Cox, and R. M. Cox (2021). Sex-specific population differences in resting metabolic rate are associated with intraspecific variation in sexual size dimorphism of brown anoles. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 94: 205-214.
54. Curlis, J. D., A. R. Davis Rabosky, I. A. Holmes, T. J. Renney, and C. L. Cox (2021). Genetic mechanisms and correlational selection structure trait variation in a coral snake mimic. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288:20210003.
53. Cox, C. L., A. K. Chung, C. Blackwell, M. M. Davis, M. Gulsby, H. Islam, N. Miller, C. Lambert, O. Lewis, I. V. Rector, M. Walsh, A. D. Yamamoto, and A. R. Davis Rabosky (2021). Tactile stimuli induce deimatic antipredator displays in ringneck snakes. Ethology 127: 465-474.
52. Cox, C.L., J. Bowers, C. Obialo, J. D. Curlis, and J. W. Streicher (2021). Spatial and temporal dynamics of exuberant color polymorphism in the southern cricket frog. Journal of Natural History 54: 2249-2264.
51. Cox, C. L. and M. L. Logan (2021). Using integrative biology to infer adaptation from comparisons of two (or a few) species. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 94: 162-170.
50. Logan†, M. L., L. K. Neel†, D. J. Nicholson, A. J. Stokes, C. L. Miller, A. K. Chung, J. D. Curlis, K. M. Keegan, A. A. Rosso, I. Maayan, E. Folfas, C. E. Williams, B. Casement, M. A. Gallegos Koyner, D. J. Padilla Perez, C. H. Falvey, S. M. Alexander, K. L. Charles, Z. A. Graham, W. Owen McMillan, J. B. Losos, and C. L. Cox (2021). Sex-specific microhabitat use is associated with sex-biased thermal physiology in Anolis lizards. Journal of Experimental Biology 224:jeb235697
49. Rosso, A. A., D. J. Nicholson, M. L. Logan, A. K. Chung, J. D. Curlis, Z. M. Degon, R. Knell, T. W. J. Garner, W. O. McMillan, and C. L. Cox (2020). Sex-biased parasitism and expression of a sexual signal. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 131:785-800.
48. Cox, C. L., H. O. Tribble, S. Richardson, A. K. Chung, J. D. Curlis, and M. L. Logan. Thermal physiology and ecology of an elongate and semi-fossorial arthropod, the bark centipede. Journal of Thermal Biology 94:102755.
47. Logan, M.L. and C.L. Cox (2020). Genetic Constraints, Transcriptome Plasticity, and the Evolutionary Response to Climate Change. Frontiers in Genetics 11:538226
46. Cox, C.L., A.R. Davis Raboskey, and D.R. Frost. 2020. Sonora semiannulata. Western Groundsnake. Pp. 354–363 in A.T. Holycross and J.C. Mitchell (eds.), Snakes of Arizona. ECO Publishing, Rodeo, NM.
45. Cox, C. L., S. Alexander, B. Casement, A. K. Chung, J. D. Curlis, Z. Degon, M. Dubois, C. Falvey, Z. Graham, E. Folfas, M. A. Gallegos Koyner, L. K. Neel, D. J. Nicholson, D. J. Padilla Peréz, X. Ortiz Ross, A. A. Rosso, Q. Taylor, T. J. Thurman, C. E. Williams, W. O. McMillan, and M. L. Logan (2020). Ectoparasite extinction in simplified lizard assemblages during experimental island invasion. Biology Letters 16: 20200474.
44. Heninger, R, C. M. Watson, C. L. Cox (2020). Relative fitness of decoy coloration is mediated by habitat type. Zoology 142: 125820.
43. Sasso, T., C. L. Cox, D. L. Gilroy (2020). Social behavior in Nototriton brodiei in the cloud forest of Cusuco National Park, Honduras. South American Journal of Herpetology 17: 29-32.
42. C. L. Cox and M. C. Morrill* (2020). The herpetofaunal assemblage and natural history of a wetland and prairie complex of the northern Great Plains. Southwestern Naturalist 64:89-97.
41. Huntsman, B. M., M. P. Venarsky, F. Abadi, A. D. Huryn, B. R. Kuhajda, C. L. Cox, and J. P. Benstead (2020). Evolutionary history and sex are significant drivers of crayfish demography in resource-limited cave ecosystems. Evolutionary Ecology 34:235-255.
40. L. K. Neel, J.D. Curlis, C. T Kinsey, C. L Cox, and L. D McBrayer (2020). Acclimatization in the physiological performance of an introduced ectotherm. Journal of Experimental Biology 223:1-8.
39. Myers, E.A. , A. Xue, M. Gehara, C. L. Cox, A. R. Davis Rabosky, J. Lemos Espinal, J. Martínez-Gómez, and F. T. Burbrink (2019). Environmental Heterogeneity and Not Vicariant Biogeographic Barriers Generate Community Wide Population Structure in Desert Adapted Snakes. Molecular Ecology 28:45435-4548.
38. C. M. Watson, Z. Degon*, W. Krogman, and C. L. Cox (2019). Evolutionary and ecological forces underlying ontogenetic loss of decoy coloration. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 128: 138-148.
37. Taylor, Q. and C. L. Cox (2019). Evidence of predation risk increases with body size in a diminutive snake. Journal of Zoology 307:141-148.
36. Cox, C. L. J. W. Streicher, J. F. Stringer, M. A. Moseley, and P. T. Chippindale. (2018) Testing the geographic dimensions of genetic diversity following range expansion in a North American snake. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 125:586-599.
35. Cox, C. L. A, R. Davis Rabosky, I. A. Holmes, J. Reyes-Velasco, C. E. Roelke, E. N. Smith, O. Flores-Villela, J. A. McGuire, and J. A. Campbell (2018). Synopsis and taxonomic revision of three genera in the snake tribe Sonorini. Journal of Natural History 52:945-988.
34. Cox †, C. L. , M. L. Logan †, O. Bryan, D. Kaur, E. Leung, J. McCormack, J. McGinn, L. Miller, C.Robinson, J.Salem, J. Scheid, T. Warzinski, and A. K. Chung (2018). Do ring-necked snakes choose retreat sites to optimize thermal performance? Journal of Thermal Biology 71:232-236.
33. Curlis, J. D., R. W. Davis, E. Zetkulic, and C. L. Cox (2017). Condition-dependence of shared traits differs between sympatric Anolis lizards. Journal of Experimental Zoology A 327:110-118.
32. Cox, R.M.†, Cox, C.L.†, McGlothlin, J.W., Card, D.C., Andrew, A.L., Castoe, J.M. (2017). Hormonally mediated increases in sex-biased gene expression accompany the breakdown of between-sex genetic correlations in a sexually dimorphic lizard. The American Naturalist 189, 315-332.
31. Kahrl, A. F., C. L. Cox, and R. M. Cox (2016). Correlated evolution between targets between pre- and postcopulatory sexual selection across squamate reptiles. Ecology and Evolution 6: 6452-6459.
30. Curlis, J. D.*, D. C. Macklem, R. Davis, and C. L. Cox. (2016). Sex-specific antipredator response to auditory cues in the black spiny-tailed iguana. Journal of Zoology 299:68-74
29. Davis Rabosky, A. R., C. L. Cox, D. L. Rabosky, P. Title, I. A. Holmes, A. Feldman, and J. A. McGuire. (2016). Coral snakes predict the evolution of mimicry across New World snakes.Nature Communications 7: 11484
28. Davis Rabosky, A. R., C. L. Cox, and D. L. Rabosky (2016). Unlinked Mendelian inheritance of red and black pigmentation in snakes: implications for Batesian mimicry. Evolution 70: 944-953.
27. Reedy, A. M., C. L. Cox, A. K. Chung*, W. J. Evans*, and R. M. Cox (2016). Both sexes suffer increased parasitism and reduced energy storage as costs of reproduction in the brown anole, Anolis sagrei. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 117: 516-527. pdf
26. Cox, C. L., R. T. Peaden*, and R. M. Cox (2015). The metabolic cost of mounting an immune response in male brown anoles (Anolis sagrei). Journal of Experimental Zoology 323: 689-695. pdf Cover Image
25. Moseley, M. A.†, C.L. Cox†, J. W. Streicher†, C. E. Roelke, and P. T. Chippindale (2015). Phylogeography and lineage-specific patterns of genetic diversity and molecular evolution in a group of North American skinks. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 116: 819-833 pdf
24. Cox, C. L. and R. M. Cox (2015). Evolutionary shifts in habitat aridity predict evaporative water loss across squamate reptiles. Evolution 69: 2507-2516. pdf
23. Cox C. L., A. F. Hanninen, A. M. Reedy, R. M. Cox (2015). Females retain responsiveness to testosterone despite the evolution of androgen-mediated sexual dimorphism. Functional Ecology 29:758-767. pdf
22. Campbell, J. A., J. W. Streicher, C. L. Cox, and E. D. Brodie Jr. A new salamander of the genus Chiropterotriton (Caudata, Plethodontidae) from the Sierra Madre Oriental in Tamaulipa, Mexico (2014). South American Journal of Herpetology 9: 228-234.
21. Cox, C. L. and P. T. Chippindale (2014). Patterns of genetic diversity in the polymorphic ground snake (Sonora semiannulata). Genetica 142:361-370 pdf
20. Streicher, J. W., J. Reyes-Velasco, C. L. Cox, J. A. Campbell, and O. Flores-Villela (2014). Additional distributional records of a recently described Mexican toad species, Incilius mccoyi (Anura: Bufonidae). Herpetology Notes 7: 207-210. pdf
19. Miller, A.L., R. A. Makowsky, D. R. Formanowicz, L. Prendini, and C. L. Cox (2014). Cryptic genetic diversity and complex phylogeography of the northern scorpion, Paruroctonus boreus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 71: 298-307 pdf
18. Cox, C.L.† and A.R. D. Rabosky†(2013). Spatial and temporal drivers of phenotypic diversity in polymorphic snakes. The American Naturalist 182: E40-E57. pdf
17. Cox, C.L., A. R. D. Rabosky, P. T. Chippindale (2013). Sequence variation in the Mc1R gene for a group of polymorphic snakes. Gene 513: 282-286. pdf
16. Makowsky, R., C.L. Cox, C. Roelke, and P.T. Chippindale (2013). The relative utility of sequence divergence and phylogenetic informativeness profiling in phylogenetic study design. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66:437. pdf
15. Castoe, T. A., E. L. Braun, A. M. Bronikowski, J. M. Castoe, C. L. Cox, A. R. Davis, A.P. J. de Koning, J. Dobry, M. K. Fujita, M. Giorgianni, A. Hargreaves, C. Henkel, S. P. Mackessy, D. O’Meally, D. R. Rokyta, S. M. Secor, J. W. Streicher, K. P. Wray, K. D. Yokoyama, and D. D. Pollock (2012). Report from the first Snake Genomics and Integrative Biology Meeting. Standards in Genomic Sciences 7:1 pdf
14. Watson, C.M., C.E. Roelke, P.N. Pasichnyk* and C.L. Cox (2012). The adaptive significance of the autotomous blue tail in lizards: An empirical test of predator response using clay models. Zoology 115: 339-344. pdf
13. Cox C.L., A. R. Davis, J. Reyes-Velasco, P. Ponce-Campos, E.N. Smith, O. Flores-Vilella, and J.A. Campbell (2012). Molecular systematics of the genus Sonora (Squamata: Colubridae) in central and western Mexico. Systematics and Biodiversity 10:93-108. Runner-up for the 2012 Taylor and Francis Outstanding Paper Prize. pdf
12. Streicher, J.W., C.L. Cox, J. A. Campbell, E. N. Smith, R. O. de Sá (2012). Rapid range expansion in the Great Plains narrow-mouthed toad (Gastrophryne olivacea) and a revised taxonomy for North American microhylids. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 64:645-653. pdf
11. Cox, C.L., J.W. Streicher, C.M. Sheehy, J. A. Campbell, and P. T. Chippindale (2012). Patterns of genetic differentiation among populations of Smilisca fodiens. Herpetologica 68:226-235.
10. Streicher, J.W., Cox, C.L. and G.F. Birchard. Nonlinear scaling of oxygen consumption and heart rate in a very large cockroach species (Gromphadorhina portentosa): correlated changes with body size and temperature (2012). Journal of Experimental Biology 215:1137-1143. pdf
9. Cox, C.L., M.A. Moseley, P.N. Pasichnyk, R.U. Tovar*, U. Smart and T. Angarita-Sierra. New county records for reptiles and amphibians from south and southeast Texas (2012). Herpetological Review 43:41-44.
8. Cox, C.L., S.M. Boback, and C.R. Guyer (2011). Spatial dynamics of body size frequency distributions for North American squamates. Evolutionary Biology 38: 453-464. pdf
7. Makowsky, R., C.L. Cox, C. Roelke, and P.T. Chippindale (2010). Analyzing the relationship between sequence divergence and nodal support using Bayesian phylogenetic analyses. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57:485-494. pdf
6. Cox, C.L. and S.M. Secor (2010). Integrated postprandial responses of the diamondback water snake, Nerodia rhombifer. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83:618-631. pdf
5. Cox, C.L., E.S. Farrar, J.J. Hey, and M.M. Morrill (2009). Cover object usage among an assemblage of Iowa snakes. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 4:80-84. pdf
4. Cox, C. L., and S.M. Secor. (2008). Matched regulation of gastrointestinal performance for the Burmese python, Python molurus. Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 1131-1140. pdf
3. Cox, C.L and S.M. Secor (2007). Effects of meal size, clutch, and metabolism on the energy efficiencies of juvenile Burmese pythons, Python molurus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 148A: 861-868. pdf
2. Boback, S. M., C.L. Cox, B.D. Ott, R. Carmody, R.W. Wrangham, and S.M. Secor (2007). Cooking and grinding reduces the cost of meat digestion. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 148A: 651-656. pdf
1. Secor S.M., J.A. Wooten, and C.L.Cox. (2007). Effects of meal size, meal type, and body temperature on the specific dynamic action of anurans. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 177: 165-182. pdf
†Authors contributed equally to this work *Student author
Notes and Other Publications
15. Jantzi, A., C. L. Cox, A. R. Davis Rabosky, and A. T. Holycross (2022).Western Groundsnake (Sonora semiannulata) Combat. Herpetological Review 52:434.
14. Cox, C. R. and C. L. Cox (2019). Distribution note for Virginia valeriae. Herpetological Review 50:532.
13. Neel, L. K., L. A. Durden, C. L. Cox, A. M. Reedy, and R. M. Cox (2017). Anolis sagrei (Brown Anole) and Leiocephalus carinatus (Northern Curlytail Lizard) Ectoparasites. Herpetological Review 48:842.
12. Cox, C. L. and C. E. Roelke (2014). Distribution note for Lampropeltis triangulum. Herpetological Review 45:344.
11. Reedy, A. M., C. L. Cox, R. M. Cox, and R. Calsbeek (2013). Anolis sagrei. Sexual cannibalism. Herpetological Review 44:661-662.
10. Sheehy, C.M., J. W. Streicher, C.L. Cox, R. U Tovar, and J. Reyes-Velasco (2012). Dipsas gaigeae. Reproduction. Herpetological Review 43: 342.
9. Sheehy, C.M. III, J.W. Streicher, C.L. Cox, and J. Reyes-Velasco (2011). Tropidodipsas phillipii. Arboreality. Herpetological Review 42: 446–447.
8. Streicher, J.W., C.L. Cox, C.M. Sheehy III, M.J. Ingrasci, and R.U. Tovar (2011). Pseudoleptodeira uribei. Reproduction. Herpetological Review 42: 101.
7. Cox C.L., M.A. Moseley, and J.W. Streicher (2011). Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Student Study Guide and Class Notes. Beta Phi Biological Honor Society Press, Arlington, TX, USA.
6. Streicher J.W., C.M. Sheehy, C.L. Cox, J. Reyes Velasco and G. N. Weatherman (2010). Smilisca baudinia and Pachymedusa dacnicolor:Reproduction. Herpetological Review 41:208
5. Roelke, CR and CL Cox (2009). Distribution note for Sistrurus miliarius. Herpetological Review 40:116.
4. Cox, CL, CR Roelke, and B. Pope (2008). Distribution note for Salvadora grahamiae lineata. Herpetological Review 39:373.
3. Bailey, M., C.L. Cox, L. Stevenson, S. Wright. (2007) Blood: structure and function. In: Biology: The Study of Life, (J. Rasco and K. Lackey, eds.) Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, IA, USA.
2. Cox C.L., E.S. Farrar, and J. Hey. 2005. Distribution Note for Opheodrys vernalis. Herpetological Review. 36:339.
1. Cox C.L., E.S. Farrar, and J. Hey. 2005. Distribution Note for Regina grahamii. Herpetological Review 36: 340.